Explore a captivating collection of Attitude Shayari for Girls at our exclusive Attitude Shayari store. Find empowering and expressive shayari to showcase your unique attitude with style. Browse now for the perfect words that resonate with your personality.

  • attitude shayari for girls,attitude girl shayari,female attitude shayari 49

    पुरानी कश्ती को पार लेकर फ़क़त हमारा हुनर गया है
    नए खेवइये कहीं न समझें नदी का पानी उतर गया है

    Only our skill has been lost in sailing the old boat.
    The new rowers should not think that the river has receded.

  • attitude shayari for girls,attitude girl shayari,female attitude shayari 9

    सवाल उठ रहे हैं के हम खामोश क्यों हैं,

    सब्र रखो उसका भी जवाब मिलेगा।

    Questions are being raised as to why we are silent.

    Be patient, you will get the answer for that too.